Tree surgery is one of the most challenging jobs. When you think about tree surgery and tree surgeon, the first thing that comes to mind is taking down a tree. Though this is true, there’s more to it than just felling a tree. And most of the time, tree surgeons toil to work on a tree involving hard work, long hours, skills to work on heights and heavy equipment, knowledge on insurance, safety, and attention to extreme weather conditions since tree work is all outdoors.
The job of a tree surgeon is not for the faint of heart as trees can have humongous branches at immeasurable heights. When a tree with such a thick trunk has a fracture in it, the job can be risky. It takes a lot of dedication to become a trained professional in this trade. It is for someone who likes the outdoors and cares about what they do.
What is Tree Surgery?
Tree surgery is the overall care and treatment of trees. It is a system to keep trees and plants healthy and safe from harm. When there are overgrown trees, it is the responsibility of tree surgeons or arborists to prune them. Tree felling also involves removing an unwanted tree and planting new ones. But if you own the tree, you need to hire the service of a tree surgeon.
A day in a life
Tree surgeons carefully assess a tree when they engage in removing it. Sometimes it is more unsafe to remove a tree. Careful study of the spot where the tree might fall is integral to an arborist’s job.
A tree surgeon is a person that climbs a tree and surgically removes each branch. It is not always the act of tree felling (although this is part of what they do). If they can cut a tree branch without damaging the rest of the tree then this is the prefered approach.
When there is a problem on a tree, like a broken or dead branch, the tree surgeon goes up there and solves the problem by cutting it and lowering it down to the ground using special tools and equipment. Tree surgeons working down on top of the tree ensure that the other members of their team and the public walking beneath the tree are safe.
These contractors must also work as team players. Every day, tree surgeons encounter dangerous tasks. But with proper training, they keep the work area safe for everyone. They have harnesses and ropes, hard hats, gloves, and boots. They need this protective gear to make the job manageable. The guy working on the tree should trust the team member working on the ground. They have to have good communication while on site.
Rigging a tree down with ropes and harness needs the help of team members. Somebody has to be vigilant in catching the branch, holding the rope, and operating power tools. Everybody’s role is crucial in taking down a tree.
How do you qualify to become a tree surgeon?
Anyone can become a tree surgeon with the proper training. Yes, anyone can do it if they have the passion for learning the skills required. If you are afraid of heights, it is impossible for you to like this job. You also need to enjoy working outdoors. Tree surgery is a fantastic opportunity because it is associated with adventure, where you can have the chance to appreciate the outdoors and nature.
Education is necessary to be able to qualify as a tree surgeon. A college degree is an imperative requirement and perhaps do higher-level tasks where you understand all aspects of tree care. Part of your learning includes soil or ground, familiarity and skills of using the equipment. For a much-complicated role, you need to have skills in people management as you work with a team most of the time.
If you get a master’s degree, chances are you will be dealing with tree law, plant pathology, and other fields of study about trees.
Be a tree surgeon now
Trees were already here before man existed. Man cannot live without trees, so we have to take care of them. It takes courage, desire, and common sense if you would like to become a tree surgeon. With good common sense, you get to enjoy your job since you will be dealing with dangerous things. Good decision making underlies your performance out there. You need to carefully think about what you are doing when you are in the field.
Your hard work and strong reasoning are ingredients to an effective tree surgeon’s job. If you ask a tree surgeon today, he won’t be swapping his job for any other job. Look around, ask around, ask us. We will be more than happy to help you understand tree surgery.
Call our representatives here at Alpine Tree Surgeons. Know and meet certified surgeons from the UK that helped their career paths go a long way.